Matheuristics 2006 27-30 August 2006 |
Important Dates
Special Issue, Journal of HeuristicsWe have agreed to publish a special issue of the Journal of Heuristics dedicated to the themes of the workshop. Submission is open to all researchers, however, participants to the workshop are particularely encouraged to submit manuscripts. Deadline for submission, October 15. All details in the complete call for papers LocationThe meeting will be held in the small medieval hilltop town of Bertinoro. This town is in Emilia Romagna about 50km east of Bologna at an elevation of about 230m. Here is a map putting it in context. It is easily reached by train and taxi from Bologna and is close to many splendid Italian locations such as Ravenna, a treasure trove of byzantine art and history, and the Republic of San Marino (all within 35km) as well as some less well-known locations like the thermal springs of Fratta Terme and the castle and monastic gardens of Monte Maggio. Bertinoro can also be a base for visiting some of the better-known Italian locations such as Padua, Ferrara, Vicenza, Venice, Florence and Siena. Bertinoro itself is picturesque, with many narrow streets and walkways winding around the central peak. The meeting will be held in a redoubtable ex-Episcopal fortress that has been converted by the University of Bologna into a modern conference center with computing facilities and Internet access. From the fortress you can enjoy a beautiful the vista that stretches from the Tuscan Apennines to the Adriatic coast. RegistrationThe total cost for each participant is euro 450 for participants asking for a single room, euro 360 for participants sharing a double romm and euro 225 for accompanying persons. This includes bedroom, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the days 28 and 29. On August 27 the cost includes bedroom and a buffet dinner, while on August 30 only breakfast and lunch and on August 31 only breakfast is included. Each participant is required to download this registration form, fill it and return it by fax to the number +39-0543-446557 and, finally, to pay the fee directly on site. Participants that plan to arrive before/after August 27 and/or to leave after August 31 should contact the local organizer Eleonora Campori. How to Reach BertinoroOrganization and Sponsorship