Description: 2D Unconstrained guillotine cutting data sets (testcut and randcut) from 6000x6000 to 10000x10000 master bin dimensions. These data files are 9 (testcut) and 27 (randcut) test problems generated randomly: 1) testcut: Generating random pieces 2) randcut: Generating random cuts on the master surface. file structures: first line: N of pieces, H master dimension, W master dimension. other lines describe the pieces (pi): cost of the piece(area), hi dimension, wi dimension, number of max occurence of the piece in the solution (0 because the problem is unconstrained) Solutions: testcut: testcut6000: 35,985,098 testcut6500: 42,241,403 testcut7000: 48,997,730 testcut7500: 56,201,826 testcut8000: 63,993,589 testcut8500: 72,249,152 testcut9000: 80,980,280 testcut9500: 90,231,106 testcut10000: 99,998,425 randcut: Solution is the product W*H of the master bin's dimensions.