A metaheuristic for stochastic service network design Arild Hoff 1, Arnt-Gunnar Lium 2, Arne Løkketangen 1, and Theodor Crainic 3 1 Molde University College,P.O.Box 2110 NO-6402 Molde, Norway, Arild.Hoff@himolde.no, arne.lokketangen@himolde.no, 2 SINTEF Technology and Society, Trondheim, Norway, ArntGunnar.Lium@sintef.no, 3 ESG UQAM and CIRRELT, Montreal, Canada, theo@crt.umontreal.ca Abstract. This paper considers the time-dependent service network design problem with stochastic demand. Service Network Design consists of two stages: in the first stage we decide routes for vehicles, in the second we route the freight. In the stochastic version of the problem, the first stage is done prior to observing the random supply and demand, while in the second stage we can react to the observed values. In a stochastic-programming context, the freight routing would be referred to as a recourse action. We use an implementation with a network where all the nodes (terminals) are repeated for all time periods. The arcs in the network are directed and represent a link from one node to another between two consecutive periods. Each link is associated by a capacity and may represent vehicles driving from one terminal to another. If no vehicles are driving along the link the capacity is zero and if one or more vehicles are driving along the link the capacity is equal to the sum of the vehicles’ capacities. In addition, the freight can be stored at a terminal. A number of commodities are given, each having a random volume to be transported between two given nodes by a given time period. The total cost of a solution consists of sum of the following components: The expected cost of operating the vehicles, the expected cost of handling the freight and the expected cost of outsourcing the part of the demand which can not be delivered. The uncertainty in the demand is represented by scenarios. The model integrates the balancing of empty vehicles, the cost of handling freight in intermediate terminals, the costs associated with moving freight using the selected services, and the penalty costs of not being able to deliver freight. A metaheuristic search method is presented for solving